Singapore Hotel 🇸🇬

Singapore Hotel 🇸🇬

Note: We have written a dedicated white paper for this case. Download here free of charge.


The Challenge

The housekeeping team identified that ever since COVID-19 affected the workforce count in the hotel, the job of vacuuming the hotel’s walkways had been greatly neglected. Based on this, the aim was to use robotics to relieve the cleaning team in their daily work.


  • Installation: 2023
  • Country: Singapore
  • Dealer Partner: JeffSupplies
  • Robots: 26x Cleanfix Navi S170


The implementation has allowed the team to have one less task of cleaning the walkway daily, giving them more time to complete cleaning rooms that require a turnover or cleaning.

Each team member also serves as the housekeeping manager’s eyes and ears on the ground, overseeing their fleet via FieldBots OS. As each member activates the robot via the app, the housekeeping manager can keep track of the robot’s cleaning history and data to provide proof of cleaning.

The Cleanfix Navi S170 was the perfect inexpensive solution to fill the gap in the hallways that had not been cleaned for a long time. The housekeeping team could not move a larger unit per floor as they were already busy with the rooms. In addition, the S170 Navi is a carpet vacuuming robot that is quiet in a hotel setting, less visible to the guests, and the only professional cleaning robot that can reach the 90-degree corners of the carpet and the wall.

Note: We have written a dedicated white paper for this case. Download here free of charge.


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